Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The GT progress update and thoughts on tyranids in 6th Ed.

Progress update:
I've mostly been working on the 18"x24" display board for the GT, I dont want to spoil it by describing my plans but I think it's gunna come out GREAT, I haven't worked on the alienid paint scheme at all since I just adjusted my 1850pt list that I plan to use for Octobers event and the Da boyz GT in November.

The rough list im planning on bringing is :
1 tyrant guard-rending claws/S.talons

 Hive tyrant w/ Wings, 2x TL Devourers, parox/leech

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Inaugural address

Hey there sports fans!!!

My name is Chris, if you would like a bit of background just read my bio.