Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The GT progress update and thoughts on tyranids in 6th Ed.

Progress update:
I've mostly been working on the 18"x24" display board for the GT, I dont want to spoil it by describing my plans but I think it's gunna come out GREAT, I haven't worked on the alienid paint scheme at all since I just adjusted my 1850pt list that I plan to use for Octobers event and the Da boyz GT in November.

The rough list im planning on bringing is :
1 tyrant guard-rending claws/S.talons

 Hive tyrant w/ Wings, 2x TL Devourers, parox/leech

10 Termagaunts w/ Devourers

Tervigon- cluster spines, onslaught, catalyst,(I think also toxin sacs,adrenal but not sure since I'm at work)



3x Carnifex w/ 2x TL Devourers

   The change I recently made was take out 2x zoanthropes and a walking hive tyrant with 2x devourers and armoured shell for swarmlord and guard.

   Both the swarmlord and flying tyrant will be taking Biomancy in most games, as for the tervigon it really depends on the opponent, if he has enough firepower I'll probly keep the guaranteed feel no pain. The army plays fairly straight forward, carnifex, devour-gaunts,and swarmlord unit deploy together(carnifex in front, swarmlord behind) aggressively to try and force the opponent to castle, the flying tyrant, mawloc, and trygon reserve with a 2+ roll on turn 2 and try to box in the opponent and shove high-threat targets down my opponents throat while the carnifex brood and swarmlord close in. The tervigon depending on the mission either will move up with the carni-swarmlord combo and spew gaunts, or camp multiple objectives in the back, but with only 1 minimum unit of gaunts and 1 tervigon I have to hope it doesn't exhaust its spawning ability in the first few turns.

My thoughts on Tyranids in 6th Ed.

  This will be just a general overlook on the army, a more detailed unit-by-unit tactics/opinions will come later.

Lets start with the CONS shall we?
  When someone thinks of how 6th changed tyranids the first thing that comes to mind most often is how they were excluded from the an entire new aspect of the game...ALLIES. I could understand if the whole chart held true to the fluff, but it would seem some of the alliances are game-purposed, yet tyranids get the cold shoulder. At least they could have allowed us to ally other tyranids for the extra HQ,ELITE,FAST,HEAVY and 2 TROOP slots. And not being able to man quadguns and icarus lascannons means our best anti flyer are Hive guard, flying hive tyrants with 2x TL Devourers, and other MC's with 2x TL Devourers hoping to glance them out of the air while snapfiring. The only other con the nids suffered in my opinion is the prevalence of the First Blood mission objective, unless you take tyrannofexen with rupture cannons, or enough venomcannons to down a transport first turn, its an uphill battle for tyranids, while you can assure your units are fleshed out for survivability, multiple popular tyranid units can be wiped out first turn if focused on and not deployed properly.

Now onto the PROS
   I believe the first advantage of note is the synergy between the tyranid codex and being able to give your psykers Biomancy, Iron arm, Endurance, Warp speed can make overpriced MC's shine, and the option to default a power to smite is awesome,ranged ap2 is a rare commodity in a tyranid army and is always welcome. Next up is the prevalence of objective based missions, tervigons were popular before, now even more so! Flying Monstrous Creatures are my favorite change aside from biomancy, although expensive and relatively fragile if the opponent has enough small arms fire to bring it down out of the sky flying tyrants are alot of fun and usefull in the game, especially since the FAQ gives FMC's the option to skyfire.
Swarm armies have been buffed with the removal of fearless wounds after combat. Shadows in the Warp, Tyranids also have one of the few anti-psyker abilities that can prevent the enemies blessings from going off  at close range when its needed most.

Well thats all I have time for today, I hope to get pics of the converted nids up soon, and some test painted models.

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